Mar 4ยทedited Mar 4Liked by Nathaniel Hendrix

I like the prospect of the heat death of the universe and, before that, our destruction by the expansion of the sun. It puts things into perspective.

I had a long conversation with a friend on Friday about how the world will recover when humanity dies out. In The World Without Us โ€” https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/248787 โ€” animals will quickly take back their spaces, the forests will grow back and, eventually, a glacier will come down from the north and wipe the island of Manhattan clean.

Your job sounds very cool.

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I wish I could have your equanimity about humanity's end. The only thing that comforts me about the scenario in The World Without Us is the possibility that humans might primarily live on other planets and would have decided to let Earth become a kind of nature preserve. Under that scenario, watching nature retake our cities would be very fascinating.

My job is lotsa fun! I'm fortunate to have found a little niche where I can live out my polymath fantasies.

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Mar 4Liked by Nathaniel Hendrix

Polymath fantasies! I have those!

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Feb 7Liked by Nathaniel Hendrix

Thanks for this. I thinks itโ€™s helpful to be reflective and intentional about this process in such a noisy environment. I guess my main sources are: manifold for current events, discord for ML papers and news, and then substack for everything else.

Overall, I try to focus on recall, rather than tools. But I often lose links so thatโ€™s clearly not perfect. I think forcing my brain to output something about the content rather than just storing a note really helps me to recall it. I have a file where I store links of things I want to remember and come back to and write a paragraph summary of it (one is a link to your nosology post). Then I also write short summaries of a couple pages or so of nonfiction books I read.

Most of my machine learning news comes from discords these days. Everything online has gotten so flooded in the last couple years that a lot of people just talk in private discords now. I wish I had some way of taking things from X and getting them emailed to me as a daily digest. Thatโ€™s one of the main things I like about consuming stuff from substack. I find going on social media to be really frustrating, even when itโ€™s technical commentary. Iโ€™m missing useful stuff by not being on X, but I find the cost to be too high.

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It's funny, I find Discord completely overwhelming but X is manageable to me. I also end up finding out a lot of current events via X. Using Manifold for that is clever!

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